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Athens Vibes

An Inside Look at Athens, Georgia




Steep or Cheap: Girls Night

As the holidays quickly approach, most individuals find themselves in 1 of 2 categories: Various relatives slip you money at family events and you are itching to spend it You are trying to save every…

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Weekly Freebie: Taste Your Place Conclusion

The final event in the 2-week Taste your PLACE event will be this Saturday at the Athens Farmers' Market. Local Food Award recipients will be announced so come out and see who represented the Classic City best! In addition to awards and the chance to check out the local products of…

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Weekly Freebie: Taste Your Place

One of the many advantages of living in Athens, GA is the importance placed on local products. Whether it's Five and Ten serving up food straight from their garden or a boutique selling Athens-based art, the Classic City likes to keep it local. In accordance with that local promise, P.L.A.C.E…

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Vote for Athens & (maybe!) Win

What's your favorite spot in Athens, GA? Terrapin? Five and Ten? Memorial Park? We all have our favorites and now we all have our chance to vote! Georgia Magazine is currently asking for submissions for…

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