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Athens Vibes

An Inside Look at Athens, Georgia




Outdoor Games in Athens, GA

There's no better way to enjoy warm weather than playing games outside while enjoying a nice meal or drink. Whether you want to play cornhole with the family or a game of giant Jenga with friends…

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Tracing the Roots of America's First Garden Club

When vibrant flowers and trees and plants start to wake from their winter nap,the gardens of Athens become bright in full bloom. Did you know? Athens is the home of America's First Garden Club, the Ladies Garden Club of Athens. Let's trace the history and look forward to flower-filled events! Athens is a wonderful place to visit to explore a number of gardens, including the official botanical garden of Georgia. …

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Ultimate Guide of Free Things To Do in Athens

Some of the best ways to explore Athens, Georgia don't even cost a dime. Here's an ultimate guide of FREE things to do in Athens, ranging from performances to outdoor adventures. Grab the family or a couple of friends to create memorable experiences together. Explore Athens Historic University…

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Where to view the Eclipse in Athens, GA

Get ready for an unforgettable, rareexperience this August! The entire United States  will have the opportunity to watch a total solar eclipse. The eclipse's path goes all the way from Oregon to South Carolina on August 21, 2017 and will cause complete darkness in the middle of the day! How cool is that…

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