Historic Athens Porchfest Duo

National Radio Show ‘eTown’ Heads to Athens GA April 7

Boulder, Colo., March 21, 2017 – eTown, the popular radio variety show broadcast weekly across the country and worldwide, travels to Athens, Georgia for a special road show taping at the Georgia Theatre on Friday, April 7. Hosted by radio personalities Nick & Helen Forster, each eTown show features live musical performances by (and ‘up close and personal’ conversation with) several visiting musical artists; the Athens show will include influential and soulful singer-songwriter and acclaimed touring artist JJ Grey, as well as Georgia-based modern folk duo Cicada Rhythm. Also performing that night will be the Forsters along with the eTones (eTown’s talented ‘house band’)…

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Athens' advocate for historic preservation marks 50 years

ATHENS, Ga. (Feb. 13, 2017) -Fifty years ago, the house that now stands as the Athens Welcome Center was loaded onto a flatbed truck and moved one block to avoid the wave of urban renewal sweeping downtown Athens. That stone's-throw of a drive across Dougherty Street became a marathon of sorts for a handful of dedicated preservationists. Moving the Church-Waddel-Brumby House set into motion an effort to reclaim historic structures across Athens, and 50 years later that spirit continues. Founded in 1967 to “save the oldest house in Athens,” the Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation is celebrating its golden anniversary throughout 2017 with a slate of events for all Athenians…

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New Athens Local Product Development Grant Announced

ATHENS, Ga. (March 20, 2017) –The Athens Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB), along with The Classic Center and Classic Center Cultural Foundation, have established a matching grant program to assist local entitiesin developing new tourism products and experiences that will attract new overnight visitors to Athens-Clarke County…

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