Visit Athens Meeting Services

Athens draws record attendance for meetings because visitors love our vibrant downtown dining and entertainment scene just steps away from The Classic Center and headquarter hotels. Our destination offers first-rate venues and personalized services including housing, registration, and connections to key local resources. Visit Athens has the right local creative connections to enhance your event with live music and more. You’ll appreciate how much you can maximize your budget with flexible pricing options such as no food and beverage minimums from The Classic Center's in-house caterer, industry-leading Levy Restaurants.


More Athens Meeting Services


Bid Packet

Visit Athens will send you a customized proposal packet with hotel and meeting room rates and availability for your choice dates, letters of invitation, and suggested activities.

Bid Presentation

A Visit Athens team member can attend your decision-making meeting to present information on Athens and answer any questions your group may have. Videos, presentations, and Athens trivia with prize giveaways are just a few of the ways Visit Athens can inform your site-selection committee about the city and prepare them to make an informed decision.

Advance Publicity

A Visit Athens team member can attend your convention the preceding year to promote your Athens meeting. Athens information brochures can be supplied as a part of pre-convention mailings. Images, video tapes, and press kits are available for use in your publications to help heighten interest and attract attendees.

Welcome Wagon

Brochures on local attractions, dining and entertainment options and other information can be available upon request during your conference. 


Historic Athens Welcome Wagon with Bike and Photo Booth


Show Your Badge: Special Group Discounts/Attendee Appreciation

Visit Athens has compiled a list of businesses that provide discounts on products and services to convention attendees. Local merchants can welcome your group with signage to make your attendees feel right at home. Learn more and see current participating stores here.


Show Your Badge logo


For more details and assistance,


Sydney Powell

Destination Services Manager

Phone: 706-357-4543