It's been an amazing festival season in Athens this spring, no more so than the latest Human Rights Festival. Award-winning journalist Robert Koehler traveled to Athens to speak, and gives this glowing report of Athens, the festival, and performances including Abbey Road Live. Koehler writes,

"This was what I felt come alive during the festival: a fearless and joyous, born-again, unapologetic, naïve belief (and I mean "naïve" in a good way, unbroken by the hard lessons of politics and life) that citizenship equals participation; that the world belongs to us, not to the high financial rollers and corporate elite; and that the time to take a stand is now."

Read more of Koehler's time in Athens at the Huffington Post, .

Since Harry Bissett's closed earlier this year, Athenians and loyal diners from far and wide have anxiously awaited word of this favorite restaurant's future. No final word just yet, but Flagpole Magazine has a bit of an update this week,