Next to Last Festival, Athens, Georgia
October 27 - 31, 2010
The Athens Convention & Visitors Bureau is teaming up with one of the most unique annual festivals in Athens, the Next to Last Festival. We're so sure you'll love this event that we're giving away TWO FREE WRISTBANDS good for the entire event. This year the Next to Last Festival will be held all over Athens at concert venues like Go Bar, New Earth Music Hall, The State Botanical Gardens, The Melting Point, and the Seney-Stovall Chapel on Milledge. The shows and films will be held next week starting on the 27th and ending Halloween night.
The Next to Last Festival is one of the coolest annual events in town. This year's event features over 70 artists such as ESG, Van Dyke Parks, and Music Tapes. Through music and visual arts, the festival hopes to introduce you to the musical culture of our city as well as some great venues. The festival creators promise to give you "five days of exciting, inimitable, and unforgettable musical happenings."
A note about tickets:
If you bought individual tickets to every show, it would cost you just about $62.00. Full-festival wristbands are also on sale for $40.00 by emailing nexttolastfest@gmail.com and individual passes are available at New Earth.
But we think one of you and a friend should see the show for absolutely nothing. Enter to win two passes for FREE by retweeting "I want to go to the Next to Last Festival #AthensGA" to our VisitAthensGA Twitter profile. I'll pick one winner at random. Retweet anytime between now and next Tuesday the 26th to enter the drawing. I'll DM you if you're the big winner. Instructions for pickup will come in the message.
Start retweeting here!
See you at the show!