Looking around UGA's website today I came across their master calendar. Even though I am a UGA student there is so much that goes on daily on campus I am rarely aware of all the different activities. The calendar intrigued me, & looking through it I realized there are plenty of free and budget-friendly opportunities for students and non-students alike.
Need a cheap date idea? The University Union offers movies at the Tate Student Center Theater in the new Tate 2. Ticket prices are only $1 for students and $2 for non-students. Afraid a $1 movie= $1 worth of boring entertainment? Juno and Away We Go are playing this week.
Just in the mood to learn? There are different lectures and discussions held almost daily. And many of them include free food! Just looking at today's list there are lectures and discussions on the integration of UGA, how to facilitate classroom discussion, reflections on the releases of the American journalists from North Korea, and healthcare.
You can also catch fun events like "Evening in the Garden" which features display art by students & jazz music at the Trial Gardens at UGA. The event also features tours throughout the garden and light hor d'oeuvres.
We can all agree that there are many things outside of UGA that make Athens, GA a great place to live and visit. But reaping the (free!) benefits of the college certainly doesn't hurt.