House Music Industry Study Committee Visits Athens
On October 10-11, the Georgia House of Representatives' Music Industry Study Committee paid a visit to Athens as part of a series of meetings being held throughout the state to explore various issues to help promote the growth of Georgia's music industry. Committee members were greeted Thursday evening at a reception sponsored by New West Records, held at their offices on Meigs St. Friday's public meeting was sponsored by and held at The Classic Center/Athens CVB. Speakers included CVB Director Chuck Jones. The committee, created by House Resolution 529 in 2013, is charged with examining the issues facing Georgia's music industry, identifying opportunities, and exploring strategies to retain existing industry and talent and ensure growth, investment, and jobs.
Committee members include:
Rep. Ben Harbin, Chairman (R-Evans)
Rep. Matt Hatchett (R-Dublin)
Rep. Lee Hawkins (R-Gainesville)
Rep. Margaret Kaiser (D-Atlanta)
Rep. Brian Strickland (R-McDonough)
Our thanks to all the local individuals and companies who participated in this important visit.
Georgia Power Project Managers Visit Athens
Athens recently was a stop on a two-day bus tour of the region for 21 industry project managers from the Georgia Department of Economic Development and Georgia Power. The CVB assisted in making arrangements for this group and provided items for their welcome bags. In addition CVB Director Chuck Jones greeted participants upon their arrival at the HIlton Garden Inn.
While in Athens, the group was treated to a reception sponsored by the University of Georgia and dinner on The Classic Center Theatre stage on Sept. 5, with entertainment by Circle Ensemble Theatre and the band Saint Francis. The Athens-Clarke County Economic Development Department and Georgia Power coordinated to provide the dinner and entertainment in order to make the event memorable for the participants.
"Project Managers serve as the first point of contact for new industry looking to locate in the state of Georgia, so it's important for them to experience a community's cultural amenities firsthand," said Ryan Moore, Director of the Athens-Clarke County Economic Development Department.
The evening's events were followed the next day by a breakfast at the Hilton Garden Inn where Mayor Nancy Denson welcomed the group to an informal discussion of why Athens-Clarke County is a site selection location of choice for various industries.
Have You Checked out our New Extranet?
What are you waiting for? Great resources are now just a click away at
Access and passwords were sent on Sept. 18 to all Athens-Clarke County contacts currently in our database. If you did not receive this e-mail and would like to access the Extranet, please contact Hannah Smith at
Now at your fingertips:
- Edit your listing
- Submit new images
- Submit a special offer
- Review and respond to sales or media leads
- Review traffic your listing is receiving at
- Review partner referrals and results from CVB activity
- Determine city business levels to staff appropriately and welcome groups with signage and/or special promotions
- And more!
Training sessions have been held in August for hotels and on September 19 for other partners. Please let Hannah Smith know if you are interested in another formal training session; additional sessions will be scheduled based on interest.
South Korean Delegation Visits Athens
Thanks to a longstanding partnership between UGA's Carl Vinson Institute of Government and South Korea, Athens regularly has the opportunity to host local government officials from that country. Most recently, a 15-member delegation from the Governors Association of Korea traveled to Athens representing towns and cities throughout South Korea. On October 4, the group visited The Classic Center and the Athens CVB to review the importance of tourism to our local economy. CVB Director Chuck Jones discussed leisure travel as well as meetings and conventions, and the role the CVB plays as a destination marketing organization. The delegation also toured The Classic Center.
New Role for Christina Garmon
CVB Sales Coordinator Christina Garmon has accepted the position of Assistant Theatre Manager of The Classic Center. A University of Georgia graduate, Christina brings with her many great talents including arts management experience, attention to detail, software capabilities, and a track record of success and achievement. Philip Verrastro, Assistant Executive Director of The Classic Center, adds, "Very special thanks to Chuck and his entire CVB team ( a class act) for their amazing support of Christina personally as well as her opportunity to grow within our Authority."