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Athens Vibes

An Inside Look at Athens, Georgia




Honeymooning in Athens, Georgia

Is it slightly embarrassing to admit that though my husband and I are native Maconites we have been strangers to Athens’ streets, shops and favorite stops all our lives? Yes. But here we are. Despite being fully aware of our neighboring city’s manifold attractions, the town never seemed to find its…

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Athens' Own: Kate Cook of ARTini's Art Lounge

As soon as Kate Cook could hold a pencil, she was drawing. Coming from a very creative family, Kate has art in her blood. After growing up and going to college in Tennessee, she quickly moved to Atlanta and soon met her University of Georgia grad husband, Dr. Kenneth Cook. While in Atlanta, she knew…

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Athens' Own: Precious Jones of MEplusTEA

Nestled on the line between Jackson and Clarke County, you will find a lady whose love for tea and her community shines through in everything she does. Precious Jones grew up with tea being a way of spirituality as well as healing. She experimented with blending her own teas and knew she was not…

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