Woo-Hoo Fall Film Festivals!

Last Friday, New Belgium brought films and fun to downtown Athens, Georgia. Their Annual Clips of Faith Film Tour featured 20 handpicked amateur short films that were produced by New Belgium drinkers with proceeds going to Bike Athens. The films included New Belgium craft brews, environmentally friendly statements, and just general goofiness.

The entire tour was environmentally focused, one of the company's "follies". Compostable cups were used for beer tasting and composting and recycling bins were readily available. I liked looking at the craft booths; you could make buttons, bracelets, and screen-printed shirts. All of the materials you could use were recycled. Even the beers were eco-friendly. Mothership Wit is entirely Organic. Fortunately, it tastes just as good as their other selections. Wit is light and drinkable with fun notes of citrus.

I'm glad that they chose to come to Athens, it's the perfect place for a creative festival like Clips of Faith. Hopefully, they will come back next year for even more laughs. I'm certain if I got another shot at the Lips of Faith tasting contest, I would win.