2010 Digital Photo Contest

September 30 - November 15, 2010

The Athens Convention & Visitors Bureau invites you to participate in our Fall 2010 Digital Photo Contest. Submit an original photo that you think captures the atmosphere of Fall in Athens, Georgia.

We're looking for your take on the season, so WOW us with photos of your tailgate, a beautiful landscape, or a rockin' event that you attended. All original, digital photography is eligible for submission into the contest.

The two winners, "Best Overall Photo" and "Fan Favorite Photo", will receive a prize package worth $250.00 and the recognition of having your photo and name prominently displayed on our websites. Your photo will be seen by thousands of people each day! The winning photos will also have the chance to be included in future projects by the CVB.

Visit our website to read the complete contest rules, then upload your images to Facebook to enter. Be sure to include the following in the photo description in order to be considered:

1) FALL In Love With Athens- F2010 Photo Contest (write this first!)

2) A short description about the photo including where you were, what you were doing, and why the photo is a great representation of The Classic City.

Looking for a little inspiration? Check out our Facebook page and Flickr page for some great pictures that we've taken. Our website, www.visitathensga.com, has some great upcoming events for your next photo shoot.