Car Craft of Athens
- 350 Hawthorne Ave., Athens, GA 30606
- (706) 546-6695
When you need automotive maintenance or repair in Athens, GA, vehicle owners have several choices. For many car owners, they choose a dealership. But what if there was a BETTER, more economical choice? Car Craft of Athens is BETTER because you are dealing with real, local people. Real people answer the phone. Real people call you with estimates. Real people follow up with you. LOCAL - There is no need to drive your Audi, Mini Cooper, Porsche, or Land Rover to Atlanta for service. Car Craft can take care of you right here in Athens. Their mechanics have over 120 years of combined experience maintaining & repairing automobiles. Car Craft has been serving Athens since 1976, working to provide you great service at reasonable prices. With a 5-year/50000-mile warranty, quality service is guaranteed.