We love sharing the unique experiences only Athens has to offer. Join us in taking a look back at the top Visit Athens, GA Instagram posts of 2023, and get inspired to come explore the Classic City!
1. We all agreed that Athens was top tier, and so did David Rose.
2. We had fun exploring the Classic City on a budget!
3. We all found the best places in town to watch the Dawgs win.
4. We found all the amazing things you can do in the Classic Center for cheap or free.
5. We explored Athens in the style of Wes Anderson.
6. We traveled down the Athens Beer Trail, and you all joined us for a cheers or two.
7. We enjoyed exploring the Classic City with you!
8. We had a record participation in Athens Restaurant Week, and had 7 days of great deals.
9. In fact, we really had trouble waiting for Restaurant Week to get here.
10. We were thrilled to find ourselves at Athfest.
We hope this round up inspired you to visit Athens! Feeling that wanderlust? Book your stay today.